Looking For A Home To Rent? A Few Reasons To Visit A Real Estate Office

Posted on: 28 December 2015

If you are looking for a home to rent, one of the first places to go is to a real estate office. The first reason is because most offices have a property management department that not only has a number of houses it manages itself, but they also have access to find the properties that are managed by other offices. In addition to this, a realty service may know of homes for sale that have owners who may be willing to rent under the right circumstances.

Property Managers

You may be concerned about renting with the use of a property manager because of the paperwork and red tape involved. While it is true that a manager knows how to screen potential renters better than the average owner rented home, there are also benefits to the tenant. An owner tends to have more personal issues with the property. He or she may drive by and not like the way you planted some flowers, or become upset that you have a swing hanging from a favorite tree in the back yard. While these may not be something noted in the lease, the owner may feel the need to call, or drop by, to complain. When you work with a manager, items that are not mentioned in the lease will not be an issue. If the owner drives by and is not happy he or she will go to the manager, who will explain that it is within your rights. Another reason to work with a manager is when something goes wrong. Most owners will take time finding the best quote to have the work done. A manager will have contractors he or she works with regularly and will get things fixed much faster.

Homes for Sale

Not all sellers need to sell a house to get the cash for a new home. In this situation, the real estate agent may be able to talk to the owner and convince them to rent it instead of selling it. When a home has been on the market for a long time, and the owner has already moved out, the odds of this happening can be good. You may also be able to rent the house until it sells, which can be good if you are looking for a short-term lease. It is also possible the owner will be willing to do some kind of lease-purchase deal or even hold the mortgage. Real estate agents are adept at knowing what a seller may be willing to do to get the place sold.

Just because you are not currently looking to buy a home does not mean you should skip seeing a real estate agent. Agents have access to all kinds of information about different neighborhoods, schools and the general activities in any area. The services they offer can be invaluable when looking for a place to live. 
