Help Your Home Attract Buyers When Selling With 5 Landscaping Ideas

Posted on: 4 January 2016

Selling your home can be difficult if the front yard is not in the best shape. If you want potential buyers to be drawn to the home as soon as they pull up to the curb, you'll want to focus your efforts on improving the landscaping. Even if you're working with a limited budget, there are a number of things you can do to improve your front yard so that it can properly reflect the care you put into the home.

Cover Up Any Bare Spots on the Lawn

The first thing you'll need to address is if there any bare spots on the lawn. A patchy lawn can happen because of weeds, a lack of sunlight, or pests such as beetle larvae. Making changes to the landscaping so that your lawn has more natural lighting, keeping weeds away, and treating for pests can help prevent the lawn from getting their spots again after replanting new seeds.

Add Extra Outdoor Lighting Throughout

Another improvement you can make to your yard is lighting. Placing solar powered lights along the walkway to the front door is a good idea, along with using small spotlights to highlight plants. The addition of lights, especially solar ones, can help make your yard more appealing once the sun goes down.

Personalize Your Home with a New Mailbox

The mailbox is a thing that you use practically every day, but many homeowners forget to make any changes to the mailbox when preparing their home for sale. Replacing an old, worn down mailbox and adding lights that are visible in the dark can help give your home a more personalized feel.

Add Paving or Stepping Stones

If you have a large front yard with grass and lots of vegetation, you'll need to make sure that paving or stepping stones are added. These additions can make it easy to get around without worrying about stepping on the lawn or harming any plants.

Give the Exterior a Deep Cleaning

An easy way to make the front yard stand out against your neighbors is giving the exterior siding a good cleaning. Renting a pressure washer or buying your own can help remove years of grime from the siding to give the exterior a much cleaner appearance.

As you prepare for selling your home, you need to make sure not to forget the front yard. With these easy landscaping ideas, you'll be able to attract sellers with ease. Contact a company like Haring Realty for more information.
