Four Things You Should Check Before Closing When Buying A Home

Posted on: 9 January 2016

Buying a home can be a major event in your life, and you want everything to go smoothly. You also want to be sure that your new home does not have any problems. This is why it is a good idea to look for potential problems before you sign a closing contract. Some things may not be a problem to fix, while other problems can be disasters waiting to happen. Here are some of the things that you will want to look for when you buy a new home:

1. Looking For The Obvious Signs Of Water Damage And Rot

When you first go to see a potential home to buy, pay attention to any signs of water. Watermarks can be a sign that there is, or once was, a water problem in the home. Look for these problems on ceilings and walls. You will also want to look for these problem in kitchens and bathrooms. Water damage can lead to more serious mold problems and costly renovations.

2. Spotting Sagging Walls And Damaged Openings

Structural damage can be caused by foundation damage and poor craftsmanship. This is often visible as walls and ceilings begin to sag. The windows and doors in a home can also show signs of a structural problem. This can be seen in windows or doors that are out of level or do not open and close properly.

3. Checking Mechanical Systems For Any Potential Problems And Repair Needs

The mechanical systems in a home also need to be inspected before you buy a home. You will want to check the electrical to make sure it has ground, modern wiring and a breaker box. Fuses are not bad, but you may want to consider replacing them. You will also want to check the HVAC system to make sure it is working and not making any funny noises or damaged. In addition, inspect plumbing for leaks; especially in areas like kitchens and bathrooms.

4. Examining The Exterior For Damage And Possible Repair Needs

The exterior of a home can also have obvious signs of problems. If there are wood materials, such as trim or siding, inspect them for signs of water damage or rot. Also, check to make sure there is good drainage and no visible damage to foundation walls. You will also want to look for any cracks or damage to exterior finishes and inspect the roof for signs of problems.

These are some of the things that you will want to look for before you sign the dotted-line on a closing contract. If you need help with inspecting your new home, check out or contact a home inspection service to ensure that everything is fine and you are ready to sign.
