Selling Your Home? 3 Reasons Why You Need A Mold Assessment

Posted on: 17 June 2016

If you're getting ready to sell your home, there are certain inspections that you may want to perform before you put the house on the market, such as a mold assessment. You see, you are responsible for disclosing potential problems with the house to the new owners. If you want to be able to do that properly, you have to know what's going on with your home. What you thought was just a smelly basement, might actually be an expensive and unhealthy mold issue. But you won't know unless you get an inspection. Following are three more reasons why you should get one.

Real Estate Agents will Challenge You

Real estate agents are terrified of mold. They will always encourage their clients to look for signs of mold and may have them ask for an inspection. If the inspection uncovers any mold, they may advise their clients to back out of the deal altogether or ask you to repair the problem. Either way, the mold will get discovered. It's better if you discover it and take care of it before your first showing. 

A Home Inspection Might Not Find It

A regular home inspection, while important, might not uncover a mold problem. Why not? Mold likes to hide. It can grow under carpet and behind walls, making it virtually impossible for someone to spot it during a visual inspection. To find a mold problem, you need a professional mold inspection team to come in. They can use equipment to find traces of mold in the air and in certain areas of the home. They can then investigate further. What's more, they can also find out what type of mold you're dealing with. 

Mold Removal Is Costly

Mold remediation is quite costly, but there's no way around it. If you have a mold problem, you have to take care of it due to health concerns. If you take care of it sooner rather than later, you will spend less money because the condition will only get worse with time. If you sell a home with mold in it, you can get sued and end up having to pay for removal anyway. There really isn't any way to run from a mold problem. 

As you can see, there are several reasons why you would want to get a mold assessment (from professionals such as Harmony House & Home Inspections, LLC) before you place your house on the market. Even if you don't think you have mold, it's always a good idea to find out for sure. 
