Signs You Might Have Mice

Posted on: 19 January 2017

One of the worst things to find in your home is a mouse, but unfortunately they aren't always possible to avoid. However, if you know the signs of mice, you can get rid of them before they start multiplying and cause a much bigger problem. Here are some common signs of having mice in your home.

You Hear Noises in the Walls

This is often one of the first things you will notice when you have mice in your home. When the sun goes down and you are starting to relax for the night, turn off your television or music and listen closely to the walls around you. If you have mice, you might hear scratching sounds in the walls where the mice are hiding. Not only is it easier to hear at night because it is much quieter, but also because mice are nocturnal and will be more active at night.

You Find Small Holes

Mice need a way to get in and out of your walls, so you may notice holes in your wall, inside cupboards, or between the wall and floor. The holes are usually close to the ground, where it is easier for them to walk across the floor, then go into their hole to hide. They like dark places, so look inside and underneath cabinets in your kitchen and bathroom, as these are common for them to hide. Mice are much smaller than rats, often smaller than people think. The holes you find can be quite small and be large enough for a mouse to get through.

There Are Droppings Around Your Home

You can also sometimes see droppings from the mice around your home, particularly close to the areas where you noticed holes or where you heard scratching in the walls. The droppings are typically small, round, and a medium or dark brown color. They are so small people often mistake them for food debris, but if you find them in areas where you noticed other signs of mice, you most likely have them in your home.

Your Pets Are Acting Funny

Pets will often notice mice even before you do, so pay attention to their behavior. If you are laying in bed, and your dog suddenly sits up and looks toward a particular wall in your bedroom, and cocks its head or barks randomly, it might be hearing a mouse in the wall. Cats are more insistent on finding the mouse, so pay attention if your cats suddenly pay a lot of attention to one area of your home, even batting or scratching at the wall or floor.

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