First Impressions Mean A Lot When Selling A Home

Posted on: 2 November 2021

Most sellers are eager to get top dollar for their homes and put a lot of effort into making sure the inside is clean, neat, and attractive. They may even spend money to remodel the kitchen or bathroom in anticipation of higher offers. They may be missing a spot, however. While the interior of your home is important, don't forget the curb appeal factor. Read on for some easy tips sure to make a great first impression on a potential buyer.

The Actual Curb – Curbs are, after all, what buyers see first. Take a look from a buyer's perspective to see what might need to be spruced up. Curbs should be neatly trimmed but also consider your mailbox, driveway, and front walk area. Why not make it look nice with some seasonal flowers, a fresh new mailbox, some plants, and ground color?

Make Things Clean – Take a look at the exterior of your home, garage, and front porch and consider using a pressure washer to remove dirt and cobwebs from the eaves and siding. While you have the pressure washer out, consider using it on the concrete areas to freshen them up too.

Draw Buyers in With Your Front Porch – The front entrance to your home should be neat and welcoming. You might want to paint your door to make it really pop. Trending are pastels like baby blue or pink but traditional bright red and black are always reliable. Check and replace tired light fixtures, house numbers, and the welcome mat. A bench with throw pillows says "stay a while" to buyers.

Go Green – You don't have to have that much of a green thumb to add some pops of color near your front entrance. Look for flowers and plants in stylish pots that provide a contrasting shade to your home. For instance, for a red brick home, add yellows and blues with colorful pots. If you want more of a project, window boxes are making a return and can easily be installed in an afternoon.

Add Some Shutters – If the exterior looks a bit plain, consider adding shutters. They are back in style and easy to install. You can find them in wood but also in inexpensive and lightweight resin material that looks just like wood. Get them in the color you want so you don't have to paint them.

For more tips, speak to your real estate agent.
